After arriving at his house at 7:15, Ed took me to a park near his house. Ed was armed with his gear rod with a plug and me with my 3 weight. My target were the bluegills that are abundant in this city park. The moment I arrived a group of youngsters were fighting a palm sized blue once I passed them. Good sign. My first cast was not. On my backcast I instantly caught myself on an overhanging branch. My set up was a stimulator with an aggravator dropper. Once the sun went down I missed two bluegills that took the dry. It was shallow and once I saw the dry get hit I set the hook but my trailing fly got hooked up on the rocks preventing a proper hook set. Later I missed a huge fish. I felt him take the fly but I set the hook too weakly and after a head shakes it was off. Judging by the wake it caused I concluded that it must have been a carp. Ed had two weak strikes throughout the night but no hook ups either. There was alot of boiling which is always exciting. We ended at 9:40PM.
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