I fished my "home" carp water and the water has come up from the last time. Odd, I have no ideal how water ever gets in there as we have not had any significant rain from the last outing. Let's just hope they keep it at these levels. With all that water, it fished well today. Spotting them was easy. Armed this time with my Sage TCR 6wt and Tibor Tailwater lined with a less than ideal warmwater bass tapered line, I managed 3 to the hand (5lb, 4lb and 4.5lb) and one that I lost right at the beach when I got lazy and tried to muscle the fish too hard and the fly flew out of its mouth. It was at least 6.5 lbs but most likely in the 7+lbs range. It fought hard and it took me at least 8 minutes just to get him at the beach. It zig zagged throughout the river taking line zinging my reel. Now that's how a reel should sound. Throughout the day I missed three that were most likely fouled and slipped off. It seems that Chul's bad luck has rubbed off on me as I filled my Wellington boots three times with ass water as I sunk in the mud. Probably end up with some third world fungus on my feet because of it.
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