I created this fly before I fished
Diamond Valley Lake last year although it was slightly different since I didn't have the UV system back then. I read they stocked the lake with shad and inland silversides. So I created this fly to mimic the silversides. It was my first time at DVL and I managed only one fish for the day, a smallmouth with this fly. I got several bumps on this fly until I lost it in the weeds. I had only tied one. No other fly got so much as a bump. Although I've yet to try it in the salt, I'm convinced it will work just fine. I'll be trying it this year as two of my fishing buddies have recently acquired boats. Should be a good summer.
Tail: 2 Chartreuse Hackle
Side: Sliver Mylar Tubing, Heavy Mono at least 60lbs (4-6inches)
Body: SF Blend- White, Camo, Baitfish Angel Hair
Thread: Mono thread
Eyes: 3D eyes
Hook: Gamakatsu B10S Stinger
Head: Loon UV Fly Finish and UV Light and Hard as Hull
Place the end of the heavy mono on the vise. It is not necessary to clamp too hard on the mono. Just enough to hold it. Wrap the mono thread toward the jaws of the vise. Do not wrap to the end the thread will simple fall off the mono.
Take the two hackle pieces and cut the tip to create a tail. Fold back the fibers and tear them off exposing the stem.
Place on top of the hard mono and tie. Zap a gap or UV light the wraps, do not cut the thread off just yet. There is no need to whip finish, in fact its just too hard to whip finish it without it slipping or messing up the tail material.
Take the hard mono off the vise. Slide the mono into the Mylar tubing. I do not remove the cotton rope in the tubing.
Once tubing has reached the edge, tie the tubing down. Spread Loon UV fly finish and hit it with the light. Again there is no need to whip finish. Cut the thread and set aside for now.
Place hook on vise. Any type of saltwater, bass, or streamer hook will do. I use the Gamakatsu Stinger hook. Tie a thread base with the mono thread and then place the tail material on the hook and wrap, locking down any fibers of Mylar that may have popped out. Wrap throughout the shank of the hook. Pay particular attention that the tail is upright and riding true.
Add the SF Blend body next, white underside of the body first and then the top side camo next.
Add the baitfish Angel Hair atop the camo SF Blend. Build a little head with mono thread and then whip finish. Add Loon UV finish on the top and bottom of the head and hit it with the UV light. Do not add UV finish to the sides yet. I find that when using 3D eyes, that if you keep the sides clean the eyes stick on better.
Once cured add the eyes to each side. Cover gaps and cover eyes with UV Finish, making sure you form a head and then hit it with the light. Finish the head with Hard as Hull or any other gloss cement to remove the tackiness.
I plan on using this fly quite a bit as you can see I'm loading up.